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For the Hot Beverage Lover

Ember Temperature Controlled Cup

 My sweet husband got this cup for me for Christmas last year and it is remarkable.  For those early mornings, when you wish your coffee stayed hot for another half an hour, look no further! These cups really do work and extend the life of a hot drink!

BrüMate Toddy

Trust me here when I say, I still love me a good ol’ Hydroflask (see the next link below!).  However, I was gifted a BruMate Toddy last year, and I adore the shape of the cup.  It is nice to hold and drink out of.  The lid legit does not come open in your bag (because its locked) and the magnet that holds it open while you drink means you never get coffee on your nose!

Hydroflask Coffee Mug

Sometimes bigger is better, but I adore these little 12 oz Hydroflasks for a quick cup of morning tea, or an afternoon pick-me-up.  They are easy to tote around and fit in the cupholder!

Ninja Coffee Maker

I have been a Ninja girl for several years! I love my ninja coffee maker and highly recommend.  This updated version allows for the use of pods or ground coffee, and can produce boiling water for oatmeal, tea, coco etc!

Golden Stir Spoons

I’m going to be super honest, I didn’t get the ahh of these things until I tried them.  There is just something extra cozy about stirring my coffee with a golden stir spoon in the morning.  Not to mention, the length is great for stirring up my coffee in a to-go cup (you know to spare my fingers from getting burned!). 

Hey Friends! The above links are all affiliate links. All that means is that I get a portion of the sale, but there is no additional cost to you!

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