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About Me

White Speckled Background

Hold on! You’re a cow enthusiast with a background in business leadership and social work?!

If you had asked me at 16 what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have said one of two things: a traveling orthodontist living in a motor home (because honestly, what’s cooler than a house on wheels?!) or an FBI agent (inspired by Sue Thomas FBI, who was one of my childhood heroes). As it turns out, working on the human body makes me queasy, and I’m basically afraid of my own shadow. However, helping people has been in my bones since the day I was born.

I began my undergraduate degree in social work and quickly fell in love with the field. Throughout college, I was adamant that I would never work in child welfare. However, life had other plans, and that's where I was called first. I spent several years focusing on child abuse prevention and adoption.


After about seven years, a series of unexpected events led me to become the Firm Administrator for a large accounting firm. Following a few fulfilling years in that role, my husband and I took a leap toward our dream. We remodeled my grandparents' old farmhouse, moved back to the country, bought some chickens, planted a garden, and I took the plunge to quit my job and start Inspiring Heights Coaching

Why Inspiring Heights Coaching?


Life can feel wild sometimes. Our schedules are packed, our minds overwhelmed, and our attention pulled in every direction. I spent years caught in that whirlwind, barely able to catch my breath. Don’t get me wrong—I’ve always loved my work, being involved in church and community, and building deep friendships with amazing people. But I was exhausted, burned out, and drowning.

When I finally came up for air, I realized I wasn’t alone. So many of us are weighed down by the same pressures. Here’s the truth: I'm not here to make life less busy or less full. My mission is to help you live fully present in your season. With a little coaching and a dose of inspiration, we can all find purpose and feel inspired right where we are. That's what Inspiring Heights Coaching is all about!

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